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New Sport Cub registration

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Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
I want to let everyone know of my difficulty getting things registered after purchasing my new S2 Sport Cub. Anyone planning to purchase a new plane should obtain all of the serial #'s when you pick up your plane in YKM. I,unfortunately, did not do that and it has been a pain to get things registered. If you don't plan to register anything then you will be OK because Cubcrafters was outstanding to deal with otherwise. It is of utmost importance to get S/N and ID of your ELT and get that registered pronto for safety's sake. Otherwise I could not find S/N's in my paper work on Garmin 496,SL40,GTX330,Intercom,ELT,and encoding altimeter.Winston did provide me with S/N on the GTX330 and engine S/N is in Aircraft Log, but everything else I had to pull out of the aircraft to get the #'s. :(.

So far the plane has been a joy to fly and everywhere I go, we get a crowd to come and see 4KM. Comments have been made about the outstanding craftsmanship and I agree. You get "what you paid for" . :)


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