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New Guy from NY suburbs

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Ryan Ortiz

New Member
Oct 9, 2023
Reaction score
Suffern, NY

Name is Ryan. I hail from Suffern, NY. Quit my cop job last year to pursue my dream of becoming a commercial pilot. Got my commercial last month and have been studying for CFI. The goal is to get to the airlines. Most of my training has been out of CDW in NJ.

I joined the forum because I'm thinking of picking up a J3 and using it to time build for my ATP, instead of going CFI. I'm probably still going to get my CFI but if I go the cub route I won't look for full-time employment at a flight school.

My wife works full time and I have a two sons at 2.75 and 1.5 years old, and possibly trying for a third soon. My wife and I are both in our mid 30's, and I want to spend as much time with my family as I can while working towards this new career. A bold strategy I know.

The whole reason to buy my own plane for time building, at significant financial cost, is that I can be home whenever I need to be for helping with my kids. My wife is a corporate slave, but she gets paid very well for it. Me being able to help do drop off and pickup with the kids to the babysitter, and watch them a few days a week myself would really take a lot of the headaches out of our day to day life for now. I know all of this will have to be revisited once I go work for an airline, but one problem at a time. The flight schools in my area are insanely busy and during the summer I know my instructor, and many others were working almost 12 hour days with no days off. My wife could work and handle the kid stuff, but she has been super supportive with me making the career change and I want to be there to help her as much as possible while the kids are still so young and are a handful. We're looking at the financials, but it might be worth it to not go the CFI route.

I'm in the early phase of running the numbers for airplane ownership with a J3. I'm still trying to figure out where I would keep it if I picked one up. I'm looking at the J3 for the low cost fuel burn, basic airframe requiring basic maintenance, and the super obvious cool factor of owning and flying one. I'm in a flying club with a nice IFR capable Piper Dakota, so that will satisfy my long XC IFR flying with more than 1 or 2 passengers. Thanks to Joe Costanza and his youtube/instagram videos for getting my hooked on the J3 stuff.

Anyway, looking forward to perusing the forums and chatting with the rest of you.

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