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Legend update/birthday

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I'm getting ready to do the second annual condition inspection on my Legend. As I was going through the paperwork, I found a little spiral notebook that many of the guys from the factory wrote in to commenorate the first delivery. I had forgotten about it and it was great to read the comments. The best one was "Remember, in a Cub you'll never outrun your Guardian Angel."

Also I thought I'd take the time to summarize the issues I've had so those others interested in LSA might gain some knowledge. Now that the factory forums are open I see that the Sport Cub owners are much more active than the Legend owners. It would not be fair to let you guys think only Sport Cubs have broken door handles or cracks in the exhaust. I've had both. As someone said, it's crazy to think there wouldn't be problems with a new design. I think the real issues is how the company responds and I have been very happy with Legend's response and it sounds like CC is doing a good job for their customers.

My plane was the first with the production exhaust. It cracked and Legend was aware that it might. They redesigned it and already had one to send me when mine failed. The new one has had no problems for over 150 hrs.

My door handles were "one off" so when I broke one they had to fabricate a replacement, which they did. I have not heard of problems with the standard handles.

I had an oil temp sender fail very early on.

Sometime in the production run they changed the material that the skylight is made from. The new one is lighter and less likely to crack. I got a new one and had it installed.

My airplane is done in Stitts polytone, which they stopped offering very early on. It looks more like an "old fashioned" dope finish, not shinny like the new ones. I like it that way, but many prefer the high gloss finish.

All in all, 2 years of great flying, a few small problems and very good support from the factory. I have about 220 hrs on it now.



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