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How do I get into the front seat of a J3?

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Apr 7, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Gang.. Papa here. I've been building a J3 from Wag Aero parts, actually it's their "sport trainer" a J3 look alike. It's going well, This is my second plane, my first was a show stopping RV6A, which I took to Oshkosh in '95. which is beside the point. My worrysome detail is, I havent't figured out the best way to get into the front seat of the J3. I'm 72, reasonably agile, 5'-9'', and normal weight, but every time I corkscrew myself into the front seat to try instrument placements etc, I wonder if I'm going to be able to get out. I learned to fly in a J3 some 50 years ago, and don't remember, ever flying one from the front seat really, I think I did once when I took my new wife up for the first and last time in a J3, and she was in the back. Auburn 1959. At any rate, I know you guys are going to tell me the best way.. put your right foot...etc. Papa

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