I would like to ask for some help from the group here. I have a 1946 J3C that a customer just brought into my shop for annual inspection. Before coming to me he had another shop install an engine that was bought second hand. The engine seems to be fine but here's the rub. The engine used to be a C-85-8FJ but they converted it to a -8F, not a problem but I do not see in the TCDS any approval for using the -8F in the J3C. I clearly shows approval for the -8 but not -8F. Can anybody support or refute this? Is there any history on using this model in the J3C or does anyone know of a current STC for such an installation? Or despite years of reading TCDS's am I just missing something?? Thank you very much for any help you may be able to provide.
Arnold Holmes
Arnold Holmes