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HELP! Wing Fabric - screws on L/E

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Flyboy Joe

Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Some one please help!!! I'm in the process of putting back together a 46 J3 that was covered by the former "New Taylorcraft Company" (Which is now bankrupt). An FAA inspector saw the wings of this aircraft at the so-called factory and red tagged them because one wing has a row of "cap screws" on the lower leading edge, the other wing doesn't have these screws. Attached are some photographs showing the problem. The owner of this aircraft doesn't really care about going for authenticity (The folks who initially started this project ruined that for her) but we are hoping to find out if we could just leave everything as is as the wing that has the row of screws omitted seems to be soundly covered. We don't have a lot of money to finish this project so we are hoping to avoid recovering the whole wing. Any help, suggestions or assistance would be appreciated!!!!

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