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Trip to Bozeman

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score

Had a very nice flight from Yakima to deliver Mikes airplane to Bozeman. Got off the ground a bit after 6 am and had a smooth flight east to Pullman, arriving there just after 8 am. I criused at 8,500 feet under cloud bases at about 10,000 feet. Made a quick stop and checked the weather, then off and East bound. I picked a route that took me over populated area toward Orofino and Pierce, then along hiway 12 ( Lochna River). As I got close to the divide there were a few clouds touching the mountain tops but some spots were wide open. Also a bit of turbulence from the 20 knot or so SW flow. I picked my crossing carefully to avoid turbulence and down drafts, then popped out into the Stevensville/ Hamilton area. There were some lower clouds now but still plenty of room to get through VFR. There were plenty of rural roads and farms betrween Stevensville and Philipsburg and soon I could see the Butte area. ( I bekive in keeping civilization within glide distance) I did not get any help from the wind as it had too much southerly component. I did start to get some turbulence howerver. From there it was a simple matter of following I 90 to Bozeman. I asked for runway 03 and as I turned final I could see Mikes pickup near the approach end. Four hours and 44 min. from Yakima.


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