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Sentimental Journey PIREP

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
rrb said:
Bruce, hope Sentimental Journey went well. Got a pirep from the event?
Yes I do.

I'm fortunate to live 2 hours by Clipped Wing Cub from Lock Haven. Since buying our Cub about 9 years ago we have only missed one last year due to a job conflict.

By far this was the biggest and the best fly-in for many reasons. First and for most the weather was great a week before, during and will be for a few more days so no one had an excuse not to fly there.

Second my Cub was back in the air after nearly 6 years. My good friend Greg McKnight who was instrumental in twisting my arm to finish the Cub was the Cub pilot and my wife and I followed him in my 170

This was Greg's first time flying to Lock Haven in a Cub. Something he's wanted to do for a while. He has a Cub project in his garage we'll be completing in the next 2 years. Anyway it was nice to give back to a friend by allowing him to fly the Cub to Sentimental Journey.

As for the fly-in itself like I said it couldn't have been better. There was usually at least 6 planes in the pattern at all times and at one time I counted 10. Of course the prevalent color was yellow but there was plenty of other colors as well.

On thing that makes this fly-in so special are the people that volunteer specially the retired Piper employees. Our driver for breakfast one morning was as engineer that worked in the experimental department. He described the destructive testing he conducted while working the Apache and Navajo projects. We had dinner sitting across from a gentlemen who was a shift leader at Piper. He was only at Piper for 7 or 8 years then moved to Avco Lycoming but in his short time at Piper he happened to oversee the building of some part or other of nearly every J3 that left the Piper plant.

If you like Piper airplanes and you haven't been to Sentimental Journey you owe it to yourself to get there. And do it soon so you can chat with the people that may have built your plane.

I'll have photos on the web in a day or so and I'll post the address here.

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