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my new sport cub 787AK #6 delivered!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Hi Ya all,

Just got back from 10 days in the Nevada-Arizona-Californis Desert looking into a wintering place. So nice with 70 degrees, blue sky and sun and we came home to rain/snow mix 30 and 40 degrees. I rather be wearing shorts and sandals with my Tony Bahama Hawaiian shirts!!! What a wonderful place to fly around during the winter, so much scenic mountains, canyons and desert to see. No air traffic, no class B airspace, made for cub flying!!!!

Here is the big news, the day before I left on this excursion my Sport Cub 787AK serial # 6 was delivered to me and I had to hanger it and leave...Got back last night and will go visit her tomorrow! Can't wait to get some weather to fly her again!!! I demoed her over in Yakima before I finalized the deal and I was absolutely thrilled on the handling!! Preforms like a light Super Cub but with the ease of a Cessna.

More as I am able to get to know her inside and out. ;D ;D ;D ;D

787AK demo ride 006.jpg

7AK home 006.jpg

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