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Clarification of actively engaged FAAST Post

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> Notice Number: NOTC3143
> FAAST Blast — Week of August 08 – Aug 14, 2011Biweekly FAA Safety Briefing News Update FAA Clarifies “Actively Engaged” for IAs In a notice of policy dated Aug. 04, 2011, the FAA has clarified the term “actively engaged” with regards to those applying for and renewing an inspection authorization (IA). Current regulations state (among other requirements) that an IA must be actively engaged in maintaining aircraft for a two-year period before obtaining or renewing an IA. The new policy notice addresses the confusion caused by the term “actively engaged” and has broadened its application to cover IAs providing maintenance in rural areas, and those offering specialized expertise with rare or vintage aircraft. The definition also recognizes part-time employment and occasional activity, which does not require employment and may occur on an infrequent basis, valuing the substantive nature of experience rather than a strict quantity formula.
> The FAA will make this policy effective for the next inspector renewal cycle in March 2013 to allow IAs and aviation safety inspectors adequate time to participate in the required activity. The new notice of policy is available on the Federal Register at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-08-04/pdf/2011-19741.pdfSAIB Issued for Goodyear Aviation Tires A Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin (SAIB) was issued by the FAA to alert operators, pilots, and aircraft manufacturers of possible inner tube failures made from butyl rubber by Goodyear Aviation Tires. The August 9th bulletin was issued in response to several inner tube failures during cold weather operations. Goodyear is aware of these failures and is currently testing improvements to the butyl inner tubes.
> The FAA recommends you provide special attention during preflight by: checking to ensure that all tires are properly inflated and are holding pressure; being prepared to compensate for a flat tire during landing as this might pull the airplane to the affected side; and providing extra awareness during cold weather and cross wind landing conditions on narrow and on short runways. The Magic of Mentoring After earning a new airman certificate, attesting to your freshly-acquired pilot or mechanic qualifications, you might be faced with the question – What do I do now? That’s where a mentor comes into play. An aviation mentor can help you continue your aviation learning odyssey safely and more effectively through experience transfer, i.e., sharing events and outcomes that can help you learn faster while making fewer mistakes along the way. For more on the benefits of a mentor, check out the article “What Do I Do Now?!” on page 20 of the July/August 2011 issue of FAA Safety Briefing. http://www.faa.gov/news/safety_briefing/2011/media/JulAug2011.pdfProduced by the FAA Safety Briefing editors, http://www.faa.gov/news/safety_briefing/Address questions or comments to: [email protected]. Follow us on Twitter @FAASafetyBrief or www.twitter.com/FAASafetyBrief.
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