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Seasonal carb adjustment?

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Dec 1, 2013
Reaction score
Last Sat. I brought my plane home after annual. A65/75 MS carb. I've owned it five years now and have noticed at times during the winter that it'll have a stumble when advancing the throttle. Sat. during my run-up everything was normal but full throttle for takeoff it almost died before catching. DA that day was 0ft. On the short flight home (10 min.) I noticed it wasn't spinning up right even at full throttle, I pulled the carb heat and picked up 50 rpm. Once on the ground, shut down in front of my hangar I got on my phone and looked up MS carb troubleshooting. I found a page that said "idle mixture lean" or "idle mixture rich" for the stumble. Considering I picked up 50 rpm with the carb heat I knew I was lean. I turned the idle out one full turn and started it back up and it was a completely different beast. No stumble.

Home field is 2156 and summertime DAs can reach 4k. I can tell it's loading up at times during the summer and leaning out with the mixture knob will clean it up pretty quick.

Do I have something wrong in my carb, or is this normal when dealing with such wild DA swings from season to season? Why would idle mixture affect cruise power?

BTW, sorry about the above novel. I just wanted to be as complete and clear as possible.

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