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Generator to Alternator conversion

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2021
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My J5 with Lycoming O-235 engine has the original style 20A Delco Remy generator on it. Starting the research to convert it to an alternator. Planepower and B&C both have options for a 70A alternator conversion. My concern is the wiring change needed. The wiring in the plane is sufficient for the 20A max output from the generator to the bus, but it is not sized for the potential 70A output of this alternator/regulator conversion. I think I will need to add much larger wire (8 or 10 gauge min), but when i look at other planes with 70A alternators, the cable back to the bus is huge (and heavy) same size as starter cable and has a very large 70A breaker in-line.

For those of you who have done the conversion, what size wire do you run from the alt output terminal? one key goal is weight savings, but if i have to add 10lb of heavy gauge wire, the weight savings is gone. any advice?

I am waiting for the callback from B&C tech support but thought i would try here as well. I was hoping the regulator might be able to limit max current to allow me to use smaller wire, but not sure it can be adjusted.

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