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2/23/2008 - McCaslin Field Fly-In Slaughterville, OK (O44)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
Come on out! Last time we had 40 planes show up including several cubs. Details on the fly-in here:


Pictures from the last fly-in (11-17-07):

McCaslin Field (O44) Fly-In/Lunch
Saturday February 23rd, 2008 - 10:00AM
Slaughterville , OK (8 miles south of Norman , OK )

CTAF - 122.9 AWOS – 119.95 (at KOUN, 11 miles NW) Identifier - O44 (Oscar 44) 2,135' grass runway, 17/35
LAT: 35o 05' 32.254 N
LONG: 97o 20' 11.104 W

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